Farm & Rural
July 23, 2023
Crime Prevention
5 easy ways to improve your farm security right now

5 easy ways to improve your farm security right now

Locking sheds and gates, removing keys from machinery and having motion-sensor lights around your farm are some the bests ways to deter a potential thief.

Improving security on your farm can be daunting. But you don’t have to do everything at once. 

Here are some simple things you can do straight away, that don’t take much time or money.

1. Lock all doors, windows and gates.

The smartest way to keep intruders out, is to keep everything locked, especially when you’re not close by.

 Invest in good quality locks for doors and windows and high-quality padlocks and heavy-duty chains or security cables for gates and sheds. Although this might not deter the most persistent intruders, it could cause others to think twice and leave, for fear of getting caught. 

Go a step further and lock away all valuable tools and equipment when you’re not using them.

2. Remove keys and keep them out of sight.

Avoid leaving keys in the ignition of vehicles and machinery, in door locks, or in obvious places where an intruder may easily find them, such as a key rack at the front door, or on a bench in the shed or kitchen, or on top of the locked cabinet.

When you’re not using your keys, keep them out of sight, behind a locked door. If you want to stash a spare key somewhere, leave it with a neighbour, friend or family member you trust.

3. Light up your property.

The last thing an intruder wants is attention, so having motion-activated flood lights above your doors, around your sheds, in your driveway and yard, may be enough to make them leave. It will also alert you to movement outside if you’re nearby. 

Regularly check all lights to make sure they’re working properly and change the globes if needed. You can also get solar-powered motion sensor lights.

4. Put up a warning sign.

A simple warning signing placed in a highly visible area, such as your front gate or fence, can be enough to deter an intruder. Examples include “no trespassing”, “private property”, “property under video surveillance” and “All equipment is security marked”.

5. Watch out for each other.

Join with your neighbours to look out for each other. Neighbours can report suspicious activity at your home, keep an eye and an ear out for intruders, and look after your place when you’re away; and you can do the same for them.

Take our farm security quiz

Take our free How Safe Is My Farm quiz, learn where your property may be at risk of crime and receive a report with tips on how you can improve security.

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