Cars and Vehicles
May 29, 2023
Crime Prevention
The 5 things that make your car appealing to a thief

The 5 things that make your car appealing to a thief

Outsmart car thieves by making sure you keep your home and car locked, park your vehicle in your garage, behind a locked gate or in a well-lit area and keep your car keys well hidden.

Around 40 cars are stolen in Victoria every day. We share some of the thing’s thieves might notice when choosing which car to steal and how to secure your car from theft.

Many people who commit car theft are opportunistic, meaning they will go for the easiest target that will give them the best reward. By getting into the mind of a potential thief, we can make small changes that can help keep our cars and belongings safe and secure.

1. The make and model of your car

Your car model and year can play a big role in whether a thief will attempt to steal it. In 2021, the 5 most common cars stolen in Victoria were:

  1. Holden Commodore
  2. Nissan Pulsar
  3. Ford Ranger
  4. Toyota Hi-Lux
  5. Nissan Navara

Most modern cars can't be stolen without their keys, which sometimes makes older model cars an easier target for thieves.

2. Where you park your car

Your car can be more vulnerable to theft, depending on where you park it. If you park on the street or in your driveway it's an easy target for potential thieves.

Almost 30% of cars are stolen from the street, compared to 1% being stolen from a garage. If you have a locked garage, it's the safest place to park your car.

Unfortunately, garages and driveways aren’t always an option, especially for those to who live in the city. If you’re only choice is to park on the street, make sure you lock it, park in a well lit area and take all your belongings with you.

3. Whether you lock your house

If a thief spots your car in your driveway and fancies stealing it, the first thing they'll do is try your front, rear or patio door to see if it's unlocked. If it is, they'll slip inside, look for your car keys, and exit your home, all within a matter of minutes, often without you even knowing.

Get into the habit of always locking your external doors, including the garage access door. If you have glass doors, consider reinforcing them with security film. Which leads us to the next point ...

4. Where your car keys are kept

If you have parked your car at home, the location of your car keys can impact whether or not your car becomes a target for car theft. 7 out of 10 cars stolen in Victoria are taken with their own keys.

Leaving your keys on the kitchen bench, near the door, on a key hook, or in the garage can make it all too easy for thieves to grab your keys and steal your car.

Always pop your keys somewhere well out of sight, in a place a thief wouldn't think to look.

5. Whether your car is locked

An unlocked car makes the easiest target for an opportunistic thief looking to steal any valuable items left inside your car or even take off with your car, especially if it's an older model that can be hot-wired. Never keep your car unlocked and running, even if for just a few minutes.

Always, remove all valuables, close the windows, lock the doors and take your keys and garage remote with you.

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